Ulysses pdf
Ulysses pdf

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‘For some three suns to store and hoard myself,’ġ4. Match’d with an aged wife 1 mete and doleġ3. Souls that have toil’d, and wrought, and thoughtġ2. ‘T is not too late to seek a newer world. Smite the sounding furrows for my purpose holdsġ1. The long day wanes: the slow moon climbs: Gleams that untravelled world whose margin fades to store and hoard me, There lies the port the vessel puffs her sail

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To follow knowledge like a sinking star.Ħ. the deep, Moans round with many voices.ĥ. And drunk delight of battle with my peers Ĥ. Thro’ scudding drifts the rainy Hyades Vext the dim sea…Ģ. Identify the figures of speech employed in the following lines: Poetic linesġ. The possible outcomes of their travel could be gaining true knowledge and leading meaningful lives.ģ. What could be the possible outcomes of their travel? They are made weak by time and fate but strong in will “to strive, to seek, to find and not to yield.” They share the heroic temper and undying quest for knowledge and adventure. They no more have the strength they possessed in olden days moving earth and heaven. In what ways were Ulysses and his mariners alike?īoth Ulysses and his fellow sailors are now old. At the end of his parting with Ithaca, Ulysses has his duty to hand over his kingdom to his son Telemachus and his son has the duty of ruling the kingdom in a fair manner. Here Ulysses’ work and his son’s work are distinguished. ‘He works his work, I mine’ – How is the work distinguished? Ulysses believes that his son Telemachus is wise and kind enough to transform rugged citizens into mild and civilized subjects by his tenderness and love. How would Telemachus transform the subjects? Ulysses wanted to hand over the kingdom to his son Telemachus who would fulfill his duties towards his subjects and his son would pursue his quest for travel and knowledge. Why did Ulysses want to hand over the kingdom to his son? The speaker addresses the readers in the second part explaining the difference between his roles and that of Telemachus. Who does the speaker address in the second part? He has a passion to travel to unknown lands.

#Ulysses pdf full

Life has to be adventurous and full of action. Ulysses strongly believes that just breathing is not life.

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‘As tho’ to breathe were life!’ – From the given line what do you understand of Ulysses’ attitude to life? “I cannot rest from travel: I will drink life to the lees Pick out the lines which convey that his quest for travel is unending. He learned strategies of warfare in battles. He has learned much from their manners, climates, councils, and governments. Ulysses has met people hailing from different cultural backgrounds. What has Ulysses gained from his travel experiences? They are like country bumpkins with a little bit of an attitude. Ulysses views the people of Ithaca as uncultured and uncivilized. What does he think of the people of his kingdom? He is bored with the task of enforcing law and order and giving reward and punishment to a savage race. Ulysses is not happy to perform the ordinary duties of a king mainly because his heart is in voyages beyond horizon. ‘Ulysses is not happy to perform his duties as a king’ Why? Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each: (Text Book Page No. His call is an inspiration for all those who seek true knowledge and strive to lead (6) _ lives.Ģ. These brave hearts who had once moved (4) _ and earth, may have grown old and weak physically but their spirit is young and (5) _. Though death would end everything, Ulysses urges his companions to join him and sail beyond the sunset and seek a newer (3) _, regardless of consequences. His companions who have faced both (2) _and sunshine with a smile, are united by their undying spirit of adventure. Ulysses beckons his sailors to (1) _ at the port where the ship is ready to sail. Ulysses is happy that his son would do his work blamelessly and he would pursue his (4) _ for travel and knowledge. Telemachus possesses patience and has the will to civilise the citizens of Ithaca in a (3) _ way. Ulysses desires to hand over his (1) _ to his son Telemachus, who would fulfil his duties towards his subjects with care and (2) _. Though old but zestful, Ulysses looks at every hour as a bringer of new things and yearns to follow knowledge even if it is (12) _. According to him living is not merely (11) _ to stay alive. Like metal which would (10) _ if unused, life without adventure is meaningless.

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Enriched by his (9) _ he longs for more and his quest seems endless. He recalls with delight his experience at the battle of Troy. He has travelled far and wide gaining (7) _ of various places, cultures, men and (8). He is filled with an (4) _ thirst for (5) _ and wishes to live life to the (6) _. Ulysses is (1) _ to discharge his duties as a (2) _, as he longs for (3) _. Complete the summary of the poem, choosing words from the list given below:

Ulysses pdf